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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi friends and family.

Last year in March, I went to Costa Rica for a women’s mission trip. I connected so well with those ladies and experienced so much healing that I was honestly nervous to go to Guatemala last September. I didn’t think I would connect as well or wouldn’t experience as much healing. The healing, however, was able to be deeper, since I had already done some work on healing.

This was going to be the last blog for my trip in September to Guatemala. When I first wrote this blog in my notes, I titled it “Recap.” To me, though, that sounds like the end of my adventures, or at least to Guatemala. While it’s true that I returned home from Guatemala and have used everything that was given for The World Race, it certainly is not my last time to Guatemala. You see, I love traveling and I love going for the purpose of bringing others to Christ. I wanted to be a missionary at least since high school.

In fact, I was playing a card game with a friend and her husband just yesterday. One of the cards said, “Goes to a different country to ‘find themselves.’” And another said, “Willing to live ‘off grid .’” Haha I won those cards!

I plan to return to Guatemala. I want to go in May from the 13-27. The first half will be a regular Beauty for Ashes trip similar to those that I did in Costa Rica and Guatemala last year. My sister is planning to join me for this week, which I am both nervous and excited about. I  am also excited about several women who went to Guatemala last year who are also returning this May.
Last September, we met Tulio, who helps build houses with a wood burning stove for the less fortunate. Several of us wanted to help build a house. So May 20-27, I will stay in Guatemala, along with some other women who went last year, to help build a house.


The first one is the link for the first week (May 13-20). This is the Beauty for Ashes Women’s trip. I need $500 more by this Saturday, April 15, 2023.
scroll down to the second box (donation preference) and click the drop down box and scroll all the way to the bottom and click on my name, Rachel Kemper

This second link is if you want to contribute for just the house building. We need about $800 by May 1.

This last one is my Venmo. This is for my flights, souvenirs, and the $600 I need to stay the 2nd week.


I can use prayers for 1) Guatemala fast approaching (4.5 weeks from now) and getting everything I need done, done. 2) my sister and I to find a different place to live 3) to have wisdom in how to spend money 4) the team that will be at and travel to Guatemala

Thanks all

love Rachel