Hi friends and family!
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted.
The past few months to a year have been filled with blessings, growing, learning, healing, forgiving and communicating. These are some things I’ve been learning since the last time I shared. God places authority in to place. So unless they are directly against the Bible, why would God have me go against them? I am to pray for them and respect them, whether I agree with them or not. It may be pride when you try to fight them or go against them.
Our past hurts, habits and hang ups can sometimes determine how we share and react to what God is telling us. We sometimes think being taken through the tall or high waves must mean he has forgotten us; but it usually means that He is teaching us how to trust him more, deeper and first.
God wants to bring healing and revelation through, with and in community. Healing rarely happens alone. Your joys are meant to be shared to bring others hope, joy, laughter, vulnerability, healing and thankfulness. Your sorrows and pain are meant to be shared to bring hope and clarity, tears and healing, support and friendship. Your life lessons and past are to be shared to bring God glory, bring healing, and reveal wisdom, truth and knowledge.
Even the person/ people who loves you the most, accepts you the most, supports you the most, God is more and does greater than that. I can have the best parents, the best friendships, and the best relationship; yet none of those will ever come close to who God is and how He loves you.
God knows you and loves you. He hears you. As a child of God, you know His voice.
God calls every one of His children to be a light and share His love. He calls a few to do that in different countries and places. However, if I can’t be trusted with the small of sharing in my own community, how will I be trusted with the great of sharing with people in different countries?
I don’t know the timing of everything God has for me, but in the day and mundane, I will choose to trust and follow Him.