Hello friends!
I’ve been thinking about you all. I’m sorry it’s been so long. I’ve had a lot going on. I knew getting a job would be like going from 0 to 100. I like my job, I just didn’t think it would have been this difficult. There were 2 people that reminded me that I haven’t posted since Guatemala, so thanks for the reminder.
My blog site was also deactivated. The World Race staff changed the company that the blogs were written and kept through. I had to find and write to the one that keeps/ organizes the blogs to get the password for the new platform.
As soon as I returned from Guatemala, I was preparing for my first hurricane. After the hurricane, it was my birthday. After my birthday, work got busy. Then another hurricane that went down to tropical storm level. It’s been a wild ride. (I obviously made it through the hurricane. There were many prayers covering us. We lost electricity for several hours, but that was about it. About half of those hours, we were sleeping. The 2 lakes on the apartment property didn’t even flood. There were houses a 5- minutes walk from me whose streets flooded. The places that were devastated by the hurricane were only a 2- hour drive from me. I really wanted to go down and help them, but only having one car [that I share with my sister] made it very difficult to do. Anyway, enough about the hurricane.)
I realized that I didn’t take as many notes for Guatemala that I did for Costa Rica. In fact, I barely had anything written down about my experience from Guatemala. I have to rely on pictures and other participant’s accounts to recall what happened and what God did.
We got to the airport September 17, 2022. We had talked several times through Google Meet. Meeting them in person, though, felt like we had known each other forever. We were all tired, but we were excited and ready to share our stories with each other and other women for the next coming week.
Something about Guatemala felt cozy, familiar, and like home.
Prayers: 1) for another car for myself and/ or my sister (sharing for over a year. One of us works nights and the other works mornings), 2) to wisely spend money we receive, 3) for more Beauty for Ashes trips, 4) to be patient until God says go and to know when that is.
The picture is of the team when we all landed in the Guatemalan airport.
lft to rht. Back row: our amazing leader Becky, April O., Sarah Ansell, April S., Pam (in the back), Claire, Sara Brace, Kristina (in leopard print), and Stephanie. Front row: me, Robin, and Kellie.