Hi again! Thanks for tuning in.
This is the second part of my Costa Rican experience. Part 1 tells more of what Beauty 4 Ashes and Casa Transforma is.
Sunday, the team of 10 ladies got to know each other better. We had breakfast and walked through several B4A sessions that we would lead the women of “Casa Transforma” through. We prepared the gift bags we would be giving them and assigned the lessons and testimonies for the next 4 days.
We got to meet and hang out with the ministry hosts and and some of their lovely children.
Here’s what Monday- Thursday would look like.
On Monday, the 10 ladies traveled to the center where the retreats would be held. Had breakfast at 7:30. Went down to retreat area and set up women’s breakfast and tables. Be ready for the women to arrive by 9 am and serve them breakfast and enjoy the view. Bring the women back by 9:30. Vanessa would start the “Casa Transforma” classes and lessons where she would teach them an acronym in Spanish: AMATE.
Vanessa (the one who founded “Casa Transforma”) would lead us through laughing, dancing, hugging and deep breathing to help lower stress. Around 10:30/ 11, we B4A ladies did a bible lesson/ teaching and a testimony/ activity. The women were allowed time to complete activities themselves and share.
The children of the women were also allowed to come. They don’t typically/ usually have access to playgrounds. At the retreat center, there was a big playground and pool. There were 2 B4A ladies per day that got to watch the “Casa Transforma” women’s children. We also got to hold their babies and infants so they could fully be present.
Usually by 12:30, the women were on their way back home. We cleaned up and headed to lunch. We spent more time as a team, debriefed, and prepared for the next day. We had dinner around 6:30/ 7:30.
The 10 of us truly enjoyed each other’s company. People pointed out how close we were and how surprised they were that most of us had not known each other two days ago. There was healing, laughter and sisterhood whenever we would talk and hang out.
Stay tuned for our ministry day and fun days.
Preparing the women’s goody bags.

Preparing the women’s breakfast.
Caring for Costa Rican children. Carol and I are baby whisperers.
(Ok. So the baby looks scared in this picture. But she was actually laughing.)