
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

On June 27, I got to drive down to Indiana for high school summer camp. A month before, someone also launching on the Race asked for volunteers for summer camp.

I had quit my job in April to more fully work on funding. I had volunteered with high school ministry before and thought this would be a great opportunity.

On the way down, I stated things I was grateful for: new friends and lasting friends, a car to drive, gas in my tank, opportunities to serve, safety, sunsets, ability to talk to people, and divine encounters. During that week at camp, God reminded me to embrace who I am and be myself. I realized camp was exactly where God wanted me to be. Sometimes, I felt awkward or out of place, but God showed up and used those moments for Him.

I remembered to lean in to God, trust Him, and put Him first. That would often look like waking up earlier (although I prefer to be a night owl) to spend even a few minutes with God. That also looked like asking God to speak through me, and give me peace and energy, especially that day or two that I got only about 3 hours of sleep.

By the end of camp, I shared my story and got prayed for. It’s amazing when people hear your story and still accept you. They also insisted I come back next year, though the timing might not be ideal.

Camp ended July 2. I then got to go to the fair. It was so fun to see people from camp and be perfectly content petting piggies. Oh the joys in the little things! I’ve heard people say that they don’t know or understand how such a big God could care about something so small, like a sprained ankle or your favorite color. He cares, however, about the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. And He cares even more so about us. So how could He not care about the small, seemingly insignificant details in your life and my life?

I was supposed to drive back to Illinois July 3, but ended up going to the church that many of the other camp counselors/ volunteers attend. Cool conversations. On the way back to Illinois, I was thankful for: gluten-free s’mores, being in the camp picture, painting rocks, petting piggies, and late night conversations.

I had a restaurant fundraiser July 4. I was able to get back on time to go to that, as well. I was amazed at how you all responded to that and supported me. Thank you! 

Thanks for tuning in 
